Wednesday 19 November 2014

Shot Variation

What is it?
Shot Variation is used in filming to make a sequence of images using movement. Some of the types of shots used are wide shot, long shots and medium shot. A wide shot is generally used at the start of a sequence to set the tone of the scene and to introduce us to the location and let the audience understand the concept of the scene. Long shots are used to enable the audience to focus on a certain character, this is commonly used to introduce the main characters. A medium shot are primarily used in dialogue scenes or action scenes to let the audience follow the narrative.

Shot variation is used a lot in action films when a fast paced scene is being shot. In addition to a high number of cuts in a short space of film time the variation of shots and dynamism also help to fasten the pace of the scene.

Here is an example of a fast paced action scene that uses a variation of shots.

This particular scene needed the shot variation along with the cuts because it is meant to be a fast paced scene, this is where the scene gets more intense and dramatic for the audience and the shot variation and cuts made help keep the audience at the edge of their seat.
3 shots rather than one are used to pan across the racing cars making the movement more dynamic.
several shots are used to establish the yellow car and its driver rather than just one again increasing dynamism and pace.

The video below is an example of when a variety of shots aren't needed. This is meant to be a slow paced scene because the characters find out something they find fascinating which the audience don't know about yet so the keeps the scene very still and keeps the tension which helps the audience stay curious and when they find out what the characters are looking at it makes it more dramatic for them.

These two scenes contrast strongly with one another
shot variation and increase in the number of cuts in scene time together make the action chase scene on the highway in transformers dynamic and fast paced. Whereas the relative lack of shot variation in the Jurassic park scene and longer takes builds a sense of gradualism. The gradualism of the amazing spectical dawning in the consciousness of first one archaeologist and then his partner. The gradualism of the brachiosaures