Wednesday 14 January 2015


Motivation and editing sequence can be achieved in various way the simplest is to show the audience a new shot which provides new information where this new information requires or stimulates or causes a change in action or behavior in the proceeding shot.Looking at the example of the extract from fast 5 we see and instance of such motivation. At 0:40 the camera tilts p to reveal a man on a roof top holding a rocket launcher pointed in the direction of the verchiles  in the convoy who's directory we have been following thus far in the scene at 0:41 we cut back to the rock surveying the landscape ahead not having yet noticed fully the ambusher but noticing sometiming. At 0:42 we have a shaky P.O.V on the ambusher representing the rocks visual perseption in respect of the view through the windscreen and in the next shot his reaction to what he has now realised is a potention Ambush, the shots of the man holding the rocket launcher and motivate in 2 stages, the first shot of the rock inclinded to make sense of something he has notice on the roof top and the 2nd shot of him reacting to his own realization this is a good example of the action in some shots motivated by the action in shot they are jumps proposed with

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