Thursday 29 January 2015


In film editing, transition basically is how one shot replaces the other.  Here are the few ways you can do that: 

Cut: Cuts are the most common and also basic type of transition. A cut is when one shot immediately replaces the other. Cuts are used so frequently that feature movies normally count thousands of them. 

Fade in/out: The second most common type of transition is the fade ins and fades outs. Fade outs happen when the picture is slowly replaced by a black screen or any other solid colour. Traditionally, fade outs have been used to conclude movies. Fade ins do the opposite job; they use a solid colour which slowly gives way to a picture. This is commonly used in the beginning of movies.

Dissolve: This transition is also known as overlapping, dissolves happen when one show gradually replaces by the next. One disappears as the following appears. for a few seconds they overlap, so both would be visible. This is normally used to signify the passage of time.

 Wipes: This transition happens when one shot pushes the other off frame.

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