Thursday 11 December 2014

Development of Drama

This clip starts off with a long shot of a child in a small closed up, dark corridor alone which makes the child appear vulnerable, he is waiting outside a room. The dad comes out the room and the camera focuses on him and he looks like he's got a grip of things, and he knows how to take care of his child which makes the audience establish normality in this family but the we hear the kid say 'when is mummy coming back' which makes the audience question what the child means by that. Camera mostly focuses on dad while child is in the back round trying to get his dads attention but dads distracted with trying to sort out the childs breakfast. When dad opens the fridge the door cuts the child out of the scene because he's really small which also makes him look more vulnerable.

The dad tries to act like he knows what he's doing but everytime the dad does something unusual the camera will just focus on the child reaction. The child side wards glaces are crucial to the audience because it allows the audience to know that the dad is doing something wrong. The more wrong the dad does in these scenes the cuts become quicker and quicker which adds tension and creates drama.

The wrong doings of the dad seem to happen in a pattern, Activity by dad, reaction from son and defense by dad.

The opening scene starts of with the dads annoyance and the child is not in the shot but we know he's there because his hands and his toy airplane is in his dads face. Then the dad tells Billy to stop messing around and then we see the Billy in the shot. After he tells him to carry on eating his food they start to fall into a disagreement because Billy claims he doesn't like the food which irritates the dad even more. The technique shot reverse shot is used here to build tension as we see the irritation and antagonism growing. Billy continues to be challenging because he decides to disobey his dads orders, in each shot we see more frustration with the dad and more anger with the child. Each time the boy says or does something challenging we cut to the dad because the audience is interested in the dads reply. The drama is being developed through the reactions, and how the dad controls the situation.

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