Wednesday 17 December 2014

Shot Motivation

Shot motivation is when one shot motivates another shot. Action in one shot can imply another kind of action in a sub-sequence shot or call for it or demand it. When such action demands some sort of responsive action in  the sub sequence shot such a motivating force drives the narrative forward. An example of this is when you see the horses running towards the men and someone is firing shots at them but the audience doesn't know why or who. Many film makers hold much store in using shots to drive action and the wider narrative forward in this way with the action in one shot motivating the next shot as they see it as a crucial mechanism for keeping the viewer engaged in what is going on.

Here in this scene the guy is watching the rings video which is a haunted video and the ring in the video is walking forwards which motivates the audience to predict whats happening next. When the girl started walking out the TV this motivates the guy to move back to get away from the girl heading towards him.

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