Thursday 4 December 2014

Engaging the viewer

There are several ways of engaging the audience, one of the ways is making the audience question whats going on and giving them little hints about whats about to happen, making them feel unsettled and eerie because they know that somethings going to happen but the character doesn't know about it yet.

The editorial choices in the Godzilla extract result in an engaging opening sequence for the viewer. Engaging the viewer as much as possible is the editors job, this is done by the way he/she constructs the edit of the opening. If the viewers interest is lost at the beginning of the film its hard to get back. The opening scene uses an Arial shot which is a high production shot, we get a variety of them. This engages the audience because these are high angles we don't get the privilege to see.

We get to see a characters P.O.V which allows us to see everything the character is seeing, like we are his eyes. He looks down at an item in his hands which makes the audience curious because they don't know what the item is, so the audience will start questioning if the item is an important item, maybe its precious to the character. The character next to him glances at the item then turns her attention to him and then she gazes while shes deep in thought.

The woman character turns her head to look out the window and the audience gets her P.O.V. We see a wide shot of an area.

- high production value shot from her P.O.V
- Wide shot.
- We see hole in ground curious about what is going on
- We see thousand of personell hole is unusual because it looks different
- Swooping down and more things are being revealed to the audience
- Creating a puzzle with shots

- low angle of the helicopter moving
- engaged because we feel like we're going to find something new out
- medium shots of all characters
- engages to see what diaglog will happen
- Now we get all industry (find out whats going on)

- Sucession of these shots that builds suspence and secures our engagement
- From the helcopter to the explorer to the mysterious prop to the emotion surrounding it
- all of this taken place in a remote high status content.
- the viewer becomes an explorer as well with a puzzle to solve thats real engagment.

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